Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Man vs. food

Since getting married 3 months ago (to the most awesome guy EVER), I have learned something that I never really thought about before.  Yes, I know guys generally eat more than girls, and I definitely knew that my husband eats more than I do.  What I did not consider, is, that when we got married, my eating style would change drastically.  It is one thing to cook a few meals a week for your boyfriend/fiance, and then a totally different beast to conquer when you feed him 24/7.  I feel like I go grocery shopping all the time now!  You buy groceries, expecting them to last 2 weeks, and they last 1.  You make a meal that you think you can get 4 servings out of it, and it turns into 2. maybe 3.  the food just disappears right before your eyes, and an hour after dinner when he told you he was full, he is back in the fridge looking for a snack! 

When you are trying to cook healthy, inexpensive meals that do not take a long time to prepare, it definitely takes some planning.  I have been inspired by all these women who cook for a day, eat for a month. Though I haven't started doing that yet, it sure seems like a good plan, and I'm going to try maybe to cook for TWO days and eat for a month, since our freezer is not that big.  It also is difficult to buy fruits and vegetables and eat them all before they go bad, which is something I'm working on.

Before we got married, sometimes I wasn't all that hungry, so I would have a protein shake, or some oatmeal, or some eggs or something like that. Yeah, my husband will drink a protein shake, but then he says "where's the meal?"  umm.... that WAS the meal (I'm thinking), but that is not an adequate answer for his belly. lol

These are some of the few challenges that we take on when we (girls) get married to our best friend, and though it can be frustrating sometimes (I'm sure I'm not the only one), who wakes up and thinks "I don't feel like cooking a meal before I go to work..."  I'm sure there are some things that I can do to make it easier and plan ahead so it's not stressful. I love to cook, and I don't like it when it becomes a chore.  As I find helpful tips I plan on posting them on here, for anyone else who may have this challenge as well.