Thursday, June 16, 2011

Random yumminess

My friend Jenny introduced me to these amazing pizza bites at a party a few weeks ago. This picture is when I made them this weekend and they were just as good the second time! I followed the recipe exactly, layering pepperoni-cheese slice-pepperoni-cheese slice-pepperoni inside the roll. If I had some fresh herbs I would've placed them around it on a nicer platter too, but if you need an easy, fast, delicious party food-these are perfect! I also put about a teaspoon of pizza sauce inside each one to help it not be dry, and it worked well. Just be careful that some of it doesn't squeeze out the sides of the dough! Enjoy!
So, last night to celebrate a huge accomplishment, my boyfriend took me out to this place. I had walked by it one day, and the owner was outside and she told my friend and I about it. It is gourmet food, but from all around the world in one restaurant! On the same menu you might find food from France, Italy, Japan, America and India, and everything we had was fantastic! My boyfriend got the fried calf brain, and we were both pleasantly surprised at how awesome it was! Maybe we got a little bit smarter too :) Lunch runs about $10-$12 and dinner about $20-$30, but if you feel like splurging a little bit, I completely recommend it!
On our way out the door of Jade, we stopped in Relish- another unique restaurant on the same road. We grabbed a Bananas Foster milkshake which made our taste buds smile. Sometime we will have to return for a burger- but not only can you get beef or veggie burgers but lobster, shrimp, buffalo, wild boar, mahi mahi and the list goes on. The sweet thing about this place is whether you get a burger, salad or milkshake you have so many options of what you want to put in it/on it! And if you are craving s'mores on a rainy day, you can camp out here, because they have table top make your own s'mores!

Thing to remember for today: "Be kinder than necessary to everyone you meet, for Everyone is fighting their own kind of battle."

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