Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Why I love to cook...

When exactly did I fall in love with cooking? Well, I'm not exactly sure, because I think it was before I can even remember. A friend I've known since I was born said that her first memory of us together was as 3-year olds, sitting in front of the oven window watching our M&M cookies transform before our eyes into a delectable treat. Some of my first memories are cooking with my brothers and mom, and all growing up I have just grown to love it more. There is just something about creating a tasty, creative, beautiful thing that brings a smile to someone's face. You can show someone you care about them by bringing them dinner or a plate of cookies or throwing a bridal shower for a best friend. The Food Network has really inspired me over the past few years, especially in the areas of creativity and presentation, and it brings me great joy.

On this blog, I'm going to share with you things that I find, do, experience and create that mean something to me. Yes, a lot of it will be about food, because that is one of my passions. But it is also my goal to share with you about ideas of how to make things healthier too without sacrificing taste. There are so many things out there that are healthy, but don't really taste all that great, but then again--there are MANY things that are both nutritious AND delicious, and I will do my best to pass them along. :) I hope you enjoy reading, and if you have any questions about anything, feel free to ask!

Remember- as said on Ratatouille- "ANYONE can cook!" and I heartily believe that... Or, as my mom says "if you can read and follow directions, you can cook." So if you've burnt a few things in the past, or some things (even many things) didn't turn out so great, don't give up! It takes both a good recipe and a little bit of practice, and you will be great.

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